Komperdell Racing. See more ⟩⟩

Zipser Max




Why Komperdell? One of the best Austrian mountain sports companies - top protectors, light poles and good style. There is no compromise when it comes to safety. Quality, functionality and wearing comfort - that's why I trust in Komperdell! Thanks for your support.

Numerous steep slopes in the Alps (Pallavicini Rinne / Großglockner, Jäger Couloir / Chamonix etc.); 3rd FWT Verbier Xtreme, 2nd FWT Courmayeur, 2nd FWT Fieberbrunn, 2nd FWT Chamonix… 3rd FWT OVERALL 2009; 1st EngadinSnow Invitational 2008, 1st Weisser Rausch